Thursday, October 9, 2008

...and drugged up (my primary would be ashamed)

So I thought the sinus infection was bad enough...nope I'm always dragged right to the edge of sanity about to plunge into insanity.
So i had a coughing fit from the amoxicillin that wasn't working and sprained my left rib right on my bra line. (note-my boobs r too big and heavy for this shit-adding to the pain) So I went to an urgent care place and they gave me Lortabs. YAY! I thought NyQuil was great...this stuff's amazing! Knocks me right into a coma. So I took a sick day to heal up and since this working girl has no more sick days I had to go back to work the next day and hope that motrin will work for the time being. NOPE. Right after lunch I had this AMAZINGLY awesome cough, the ones that are so flemmy that you feel great like you've achieved something afterwards, and then I heard/felt something snap. And the pain in my rib got very worse. What the hell!? Went back to urgentcare and they tell me I tore cartlidge...greeeeeaaaaaat. Good thing was i got a doctors note to stay home for a couple days, I lost a couple pounds from being in my coma and not eating and had a good reason for not wearing a bra for 5 days-all pluses. Only minus was the fact I was useless! My dresser looked like a pharmacy or drug addict (whichever you prefer) with tons of pill bottles. And I'm one of those people that have only been on antibiotics once, doesn't really go to the doctor for sick visits-just suck it up and deal with it. I'm 23 and feel like I'm falling apart! So I try my best not to freak out and I'm in need of keeping myself busy. Let's see-since my Gossip Girl and 90210 and One Tree Hill channel got cut off and not re-contracted I decided to catch up by watching the shows online. Except now I have to re-watch them since I was so drugged up I don't remember what happened and they all started mixing together. What's next? boss is e-mailing and texting me work to do. Too bad I could even look at my computer straight. Why don't people understand you're home from work for a reason?! Not by choice this time. But considering my bosses last words to me when I had to get rushed home were "if you can't drive let me know we can arrange a pick up for you to come in" and "are you crying because you're embarrassed or in pain?" Seriously!? Ok. Enough of my novel. What else can I say but I came back to work and I'm still in pain a week later but I can't take my meds. AND and I've been trying to hide the fact I'm either not wearing a bra or I'm wearing a sports bra that still shows me nipping so either or the guys around here creep me out and my nipples that can cut glass are pretty enormous and I try to wear sweaters or a large bright purse to distract them, we'll see how that goes. GROSS.

Friday, September 26, 2008

"Sinus Infecting Slut"

So I've been suffering from this never ending cold for over 2 weeks until I decided this week to call the doctor. I get in for an appointment monday night. So I call my mom to tell her I've made an appointment and I will not be dying from pneumonia. Then she decides to argue with me about her going to the appointment with me. I insisted she didn't need to, but I couldn't make her budge. So I told her to meet me there. I go to the appointment after work and can't find her car. Why? Because they have my dad's SUV, she dragged my father. Here's some 23 year old loser with a snuffy nose and cough going to the doctors with mommy and daddy. LAME. Next I get called in to see the doctor so my parents stayed put in the waiting room (could you imagine how embarrassed I'd be if they came in with me!?) and this is what I don't understand, the nurse asked me to step on the scale. WHY? Why must you remind me of how fat I am while I already feel like shit because I'm sick! Evil whore. Anyways I go in visit the doctor and he tells me I have a sinus infection and that he's putting me on Amoxicillin, Nasonex, and god knows what else. So being that I have been on antibiotics once in my life ( 2nd grade with the chicken pox-thanks Vinnie Roberto!) I asked how it effects my other meds (aka birth control). Simply put i asked "how does this effect my other meds" and he jumped as said "what other meds?! and i'm thinking "HELLO!? I've been on this shit for 3 years! where have u been" but instead told him the name of my medicine and he checked my left hand for a wedding ring of some sort and stated "you shouldn't even be having sex you're not married!"(this man is in his 30s mind you). In complete shock I didn't know what to say so I sat in silence with my head down-had i not been miserable and sick the bitch in me would have immediately stated, "last I checked you weren't a priest" but instead he quickly grabbed his shit and walked out of the room and before slamming the door said "hope u feel better". Thanks, Asshole! What kind of doctor should be practicing and judging? I was not wearing my sexy lingerie in the office with the sniffles. I was wearing crappy jeans and a sweater. NEWSFLASH! There are people on birth control for other reasons than having sex and last I checked he also wasn't my gyno! So how would he know!? My only conclusion to this story is that I hate him and he needs to relax and get laid. Douchebag.

Friday, September 19, 2008

"The End of the Parker Era"

Today marks the end of an era. An employee that has made coming to work very difficult everyday for the last year is leaving today! Between her random complaints, debates just to argue, rude interruptions, and her entire life story ("this one time...") I have joined the rest of the agency in saying "don't let the door hit you on the way out."

I will not miss her stories displaying how horrible of a mother she is. Like the time she thought it was needed to tell the office how her four year old daughter still shits in a diaper. That's just wrong. Or overhearing her conversations with clients telling them "I just want to go to cocktail parties and screw guys!" GREEEEAAAAAT. I could write a book of all her stories. Did you know she went to Notre Dame? Did you know that makes her the smartest person in the agency? Yeah, I didn't know that either. Or the one time she made our intern decorate t-shirts for her and her daughter to wear to the Jonas Brothers concert. WOW

I don't understand how a person has lasted this long at an agency by talking down to others and bossing them around-knowing they will never have get promoted enough to have the ability to manage others.

There's this book called The Gift of Fear and a chapter in it about signs to look for in employees who become violent and she possesses 11 of the 15 qualities. Check it out.

It is now 4:55pm of her last day...hip hip HORAAAAY. I'm sure my boyfriend and closest friends will also be happy because I will no longer have stories bitching about this person.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I hope she's loved

So many different things have been on my mind lately. Half good and half bad. My boyfriend is moving back to Buffalo after being home with his family in Central NY for a year. YAY! no more traveling to see him, especially with the gas prices now! I put over 20,000 miles on my car in the last year between visiting him and going to work (which used to be 45 minutes each way). I'm moved out of my house and in with a good friend of mine. She's great! The only thing I'm having trouble with is the way her boyfriend treats her. I'm very worried about certain things being said to her. But when is it appropriate to say something? Or maybe I shouldn't say anything at all. I'm always there to listen and we tell each other a lot about ourselves, like good friends do (duh it's in the job description) plus now that we're roommates we talk even more. Apparently he's threatened that she talks to me and her mother so much. But I believe every woman should have a mother to guide her, a best friend to console her, and a boyfriend to love her. So far she's wealthy in two out of three of these. Sunday morning while I was in my room I heard the bf yelling at my roommate and using the F word a couple times. Being in a good relationship, my jaw dropped because my bf would NEVER 1.raise his voice to me in that way and 2. curse at a woman like that. Later I asked how she was doing and she said he apologized for yelling but can't apologize for the reason behind the argument. That's discouraging. How would you feel if you knew that your bf couldn't man up and accept blame for ANYTHING And that after every argument you'll be the one apologizing even if you know you're right? I don't get it. My roomie could have SO much better and he bf now is such a charmer in public but once behind closed doors he tends to be an asshole. No one's perfect but geesh. Isn't the purpose of a relationship to be in love with one another and care for them unconditionally? I hope she's loved.

my song for her is : "One Sweet Love" by Sara Bareilles
"The time that I've taken
I pray is not wasted
Have I already tasted my piece of one sweet love?
Ready and waiting for a heart worth the breaking
But I'd settle for an honest mistake in the name of
One sweet love.

Savor the sorrow to soften the pain sip on
The southern rain
As I do, I don't look don't touch don't do anything
But hope that there is a you."

Friday, August 15, 2008

Cinderella in the Slammer

32 arrested protesting outside Disneyland yesterday. Looks like the Happiest Place on Earth is not so happy. Associated Press reports:

The dispute involves about 2,300 maids, bell hops, cooks and dishwashers at three Disney-owned hotels: the Paradise Pier, the Grand Californian and the Disneyland Hotel.

The workers' contract expired in February and their union says Disney's latest proposal makes health care unaffordable for hundreds of employees and creates an unfair two-tier wage system. The union also says Disney wants to create a new category of part-time employees who would receive greatly reduced benefits.

"The other hotels around the area all have health care that is provided by the boss and have been able to get wage increases," said Ava Briceno, president of Unite Here Local 681, which represents the workers.

"At the other hotels in the same classification, for the same work, the workers get paid $2 to $3 an hour more."

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Mad" Fashion

the link above is to Ad Age's website where there is an article that discusses AMC's Mad Men and the influence it is having on fashion. Very interesting. The image I have attached is of Bloomingdale's.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

a NON-working girl

My *8:30-5:
Sign into computer-let boot for 10 minutes
Open Outlook-check e-mails
Login to iGoogle-check recent celebrity gossip
Stare at computer 'til 12
Go to lunch for one hour (or more since I work in the boonies)
Refresh iGoogle-check recent celebrity gossip
Boss brings over Lindor Truffles for department-bribing us not to look for another job
Boss "fist pounds" each person and leaves to his office
E-mail funny videos within department to watch
Quote funny video for an hour
Stare at computer 'til 5

After a year of working for a marketing communications agency I am trying to evaluate what I've learned based on my daily schedule of work (listed above). Based on the results I find that I can still be listed as an entry level worker. I've written probably a handful of releases in the last 12 months. I have looked up editorial calendars and saved them as PDFs on the server and sent pre-written press releases to specific publications. Wow! I know your head must be spinning after all that work!

Being that I'm in the fast paced marketing world you'd think I would have things to keep me busy. I do not feel confident enough to look for another job thats 1-2 years experience because I can honestly say the work I've done is what I did in my internship. How do you get your boss to give you more work? Apparently begging doesn't work. But he's available if you need a "fist pound" or chocolate fix.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

(drooling-followed by crying)

Chevrolet unveiling the 2010 Camaro. If I saved every paycheck I make from now until it's released I still wouldn't be able to buy one until they stop making them again.

Lifestyles of the...Rrrrreally really poor

I'm still contemplating a conversation I had a while back with fabulous MarinaGrey about being important grown-ups and what our friends are doing. I'll start from the beginning. MG and I were in grammar school together (that's right, I said grammar, it's not elementary or middle/jr high school because we were one school that went from kindergarten through 8th grade) and we have 3 other fabulous close friends and we all still keep in touch. Anyways, MG and I were talking about how the rest of our Fab 5 is making something important out of their lives. One is an engineer, and 2 are getting PhDs from fabulous institutions. Granted, MG has since applied and been accepted to grad school so she is now in the really fast expensive fancy yacht carelessly floating upstream. Me on the other hand graduated with a BA (which I am very proud of) but have been working full time since graduation making no money and hating my job with every passing day. I feel like I'm on the broken down paddle boat without paddles that's sprouting leaks everywhere. Now one of the PhD path friends, JG, is in a program at Johns Hopkins. JG has lived across the street from me my entire life. What the hell? Why couldn't I have been smart like her? We drank the same water!!!! I guess my situation can be fixed by simply applying for grad school-but do I want to put myself into debt for one year of school? Not particularly. Especially since I work in the field I received my BA in. The pays not going to get much better. My parents should have bred me as an accountant or something. It's all their fault for letting me have an imagination and free spirit to follow my love of arts. C'mon all the other parents were probably stealing crayons out of their kids hands and swapping them for scalpels. BUT NOOOOO I was allowed to color outside the lines of my minnie mouse coloring book because by scolding me to keep inside the lines would have not been giving me freedom to make my own decision. Hey friends, when you're rich and famous someday could you pick me up in your expensive fancy yacht so I can pretend? K. Thanks!


so rude!

2 kinds of people

I've found that when it comes to relationships there are 2 kinds of critics.

One believes in true, passionate love and feels no matter what marriage is the ever lasting bond that needs to happen right away. Why is that? Why do people think just because you love someone you should go off and marry them ASAP? In my thinking people who are in love can fall very quickly out of love if you are not financially able to wed and budget a family. So why not wait 'til you and your loved one can each be financially supportive to the relationship...or find your closest billionaire and quit your 40+ hr. a week job that pays in pennies every two weeks.

The second kind of critic thinks even if you are in a relationship for 1+ years you should still "test the waters" because "there are plenty of fish in the sea" and no matter how old you are you're simply too young to be serious. And being that the divorce rate is so high why bother getting married, right? Sorry I don't want to be a 40+ spinster with 20 cats.

Where's the person that's just happy for you and keeps their trap shut because quite frankly they don't give a damn about anyone's relationship but their own?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Gossiping Gossip Girl

Oh Gossip Girl. One of the many loves of my life. Due to begin Season 2 September 1st. All Labor Day plans will come to a halt in honor of its return. I don't know what it is about GG that makes me love it so much but I'm simply addicted to its drama. Maybe since it makes my life seem so much LESS dramatic. Between the love triangles and good looking fashion and cast I can't stop watching. I must say I am a fan of Serena and Dan and will be deeply saddened if they do not reconcile. It's so odd how you watch a TV show because of it's drama but you always have that little bit of hope every episode that things will end happy. But what's a DRAMA without drama? So it's almost sick for me to be watching it because I just get frustrated week after week. I think I should give up on TV and just stick to Guitar Hero. The only thing that lets me down with GH is the fact my pinky finger cannot physically reach the orange button-however I can perfect level medium with pure happiness and delight.

Fabulous World of Blog

So I've joined the world of blogging to help get my thoughts out there. I guess it's always seemed as personal public journals to me-I know it's completely a double negative but EH! Since I've become obsessed with reading others I thought "why not!?"