Friday, September 19, 2008

"The End of the Parker Era"

Today marks the end of an era. An employee that has made coming to work very difficult everyday for the last year is leaving today! Between her random complaints, debates just to argue, rude interruptions, and her entire life story ("this one time...") I have joined the rest of the agency in saying "don't let the door hit you on the way out."

I will not miss her stories displaying how horrible of a mother she is. Like the time she thought it was needed to tell the office how her four year old daughter still shits in a diaper. That's just wrong. Or overhearing her conversations with clients telling them "I just want to go to cocktail parties and screw guys!" GREEEEAAAAAT. I could write a book of all her stories. Did you know she went to Notre Dame? Did you know that makes her the smartest person in the agency? Yeah, I didn't know that either. Or the one time she made our intern decorate t-shirts for her and her daughter to wear to the Jonas Brothers concert. WOW

I don't understand how a person has lasted this long at an agency by talking down to others and bossing them around-knowing they will never have get promoted enough to have the ability to manage others.

There's this book called The Gift of Fear and a chapter in it about signs to look for in employees who become violent and she possesses 11 of the 15 qualities. Check it out.

It is now 4:55pm of her last day...hip hip HORAAAAY. I'm sure my boyfriend and closest friends will also be happy because I will no longer have stories bitching about this person.

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