Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2 kinds of people

I've found that when it comes to relationships there are 2 kinds of critics.

One believes in true, passionate love and feels no matter what marriage is the ever lasting bond that needs to happen right away. Why is that? Why do people think just because you love someone you should go off and marry them ASAP? In my thinking people who are in love can fall very quickly out of love if you are not financially able to wed and budget a family. So why not wait 'til you and your loved one can each be financially supportive to the relationship...or find your closest billionaire and quit your 40+ hr. a week job that pays in pennies every two weeks.

The second kind of critic thinks even if you are in a relationship for 1+ years you should still "test the waters" because "there are plenty of fish in the sea" and no matter how old you are you're simply too young to be serious. And being that the divorce rate is so high why bother getting married, right? Sorry I don't want to be a 40+ spinster with 20 cats.

Where's the person that's just happy for you and keeps their trap shut because quite frankly they don't give a damn about anyone's relationship but their own?

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